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Yamaha Rider 1900

Започната от Tihomir, Септември 07, 2009, 05:19:54 PM

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Благодарение на

Когато инженерите на Yamaha са си поставили за цел да направят истинска къстъм машина, най-ленста част била стила и детайлите

Номерът е бил да се комбинират страхотен "чопър"  и шаси, което да предлага невероятен комфорт.  Инженерите на Yamaha, не са били готови за компромиси.  Изцяло новият Raider трябва да осигурява

голям комфорт и отлично качеството за човека, който го кара.

2008 Yamaha Raider S
С чисто новият Raider, Yamaha възнамерява да оглави Star-линия си. За тази цел решават да хвърлят всичките си усилия в тази насока .

Факт е, че Yamaha следва "chopper" тенденция и създава така наречената ,,Мрежата" от продукти.  По този начин, след като клиентът влезе в изложбена зала, вниманието му ще бъде привелечено от

точната машина в зависимост от желанията му.
Затова Star-линията става запазена марка от самото си създаване и с помощта на Rider се поставят по-високи цели при завладяване на върховете.

Това е така, разбира се, благодарениe на добър външен вид, изключително комфорт и изключителен 113-кубик-инчов V-образен двигател с въздушно охлаждане. Двигателят е от Yamaha Roadliner, който е

изтестван, сигурен и с добри качества.


  2008 Yamaha Raider S
Ако търсите за круизер машина, която изглежда като тази на снимката, не може да има по-добър избор от Raider.

Отличаващ се с елегантен дизайн и финни елементи, този круизер изглежда като истински куршум.  В  момент ще забележите добре оформеният преден фар съпроводен от хромирана предница  и кутии

за въздушният филтър, елегантно и удобно кормило, правещи мотора лъскав и страхотен на пътя.

Кормилото ни напомнят на тези, произведени по поръчка, които включват много стречинг.  На кормилото, огледалата за обратно виждане са много стилни.

Освен това, резервоарът за горивото е добре изваяна и се характеризира с хромиран скоростомер.   Седалка  е удобна и елегантно преминава в задният калник, които, подобно на предният, изглежда като

малки вълни, и завършва с светодиоден стоп.

Другото, на което трябва да се обърне внимание е двигателят. Целият покрит с хром, който стои перфектно под резервоара

Raider е снабден с чифт 5-лъчеви джанти, 120/70-21-инчова гума отпред, както и широка, радиална 210/40-18-инчова отзад - най-високата и най-широко някога, монтирани на Star.

Test Drive
2008 Yamaha Raider
Има няколко неща, които трябва ше да се проверят освен натоварването, затова се насочих към града, за да проверя как мотоциклетът влияе на околната среда или по-точно как околната среда как влияе

на Rider.

Забелязах, че двигателят работи гладко, благодарение на  двата си цилиндъра, но по-важно е, че е в състояние да разпределя мощност и въртящ момент, необходим за различни скорости спрямо


Този двигател е същият като на Roadliner, така че мото-обществото е добре запозната с качествата му. 113-куб-инчов (1854cc) с въздушно охлаждане V-Twin, OHV с 4 клапана на всеки цилиндър.

Благодарение на неговите качества и конструкция, той може да бъде сложен на различни модели и Raider е истинско доказателство за това.

Друг добре работещо нещо , което може да се намеи в Roadliner и Raider е пет-степенна скоростна кутия.  Първа предавка е малко по-шумни, но това не прави впечатление спрямо качествата, който

кутията дава. Yamaha не е отделила скоростната кутия от двигателя поради добрата работа в сегашното състояние. Първа и втора скорост са малко къси, но ведниж включили трета може да се отпунете и

да се наслаждавате на пътуването, дори да се увлечете от мощността на двигателя и да увеличавате скороста все повече и повече. 4-та и 5-та скорос са всичко, от което имате нужда за безкрайните


Стойката при каране е типичната за чопър. Наведената стойка напред поради местоположението на кормилото и стъпенките е компенсирана от изключително удобна седалка, което допринася за каране с


Докато натискате газта ще бъдете впечатлени от звука от ауспусите. Звукът е най-впечатляващ  между 2500 и 3500 оборота, където е и максималната мощност.
Моторът е с много нисък център на тежеста и това помага за лесното маневриране. Това може да се усети в града, но ной-добре ще е в планината. Амортисиорите поемат неравните пътища и правят

мотора доста стабилен. Rider е снабден с два 298mm-ви спирачни диска отпред и един 310mm-ов диск отзад, които прават спирането доста добро.

Два цветови опции са достъпни за 2008 Yamaha Raider S. Първата,  Tommy Blue с препоръчителна цена от $ 13,780, а втората, Candy Red w/Flames - $ 13,980.

Без значение на цвета, мотоциклетът гарантирано ще изглежда добре и лъскав.

Номерът е да бъде комбиниран страхотен "chopper" стил с шаси, предлагащо страхотен комфорт.  Инженерите на Yamaha, не направили компромис, за да бъдат сигурни, че тяхните клиенти ще получат

максимума и отлично качество.  Запознайте се с очите улов на информация и се уверете, че получавате разчитам на нея, защото аз гарантирам, че ще се навакса и никой друг крайцер се ще има същия

ефект върху вас.


[b/]Двигател и Скоростна кутия[/b]
Displacement: 113-cubic-inch (1854cc)
Type: Air-cooled V-Twin OHV, 4 valves per cylinder
Bore x Stroke: 100.0 x 118.0mm
Compression Ratio: 9.48:1
Carburetion: Twin-Bore electronic fuel injection; throttle position sensor
Ignition: TCI
Transmission: 5-speed, multiplate wet clutch
Final Drive: Belt

Шаси и размери
Frame: Double cradle
Suspension/Front: Telescopic fork; 5.1-in travel
Suspension/Rear: Swingarm; 3.5-in travel
Brakes/Front: Dual hydraulic disc, 298mm
Brakes Front: Hydraulic disc, 310mm
Tires/Front: 120/70-21
Tires/Rear: 210/40-18
Wheels: 5-spoke cast
Length: 101.2 in
Width: 36.4 in
Height: 45.8 in
Seat Height: 27.3 in
Wheelbase: 70.9 in
Ground Clearance: N/A
Dry Weight: 692 lb
Fuel Capacity: 4.1 gal

Гаранция: 1 година (Limited Factory гаранция)
Цветове: Tommy Blue; Candy Red w/Flames


Thanks to

You're looking to a whole new kind of Star, a bike called a modern performance custom. Chopper-inspired but built to perform. Good luck outdoing this bike's combination of looks, performance and Star build quality.

When the engineers at Yamaha set out to produce a true custom machine, the easy part was the styling and attention to detail.

The trick was to combine this awesome "chopper" inspired styling with a chassis that would offer superior handling. The engineers at Yamaha were not willing to compromise. The all-new Raider must deliver great

handling and excellent ride quality so as its rider would discover its true superior aptitudes and all around performance of the new Raider.

With the brand new Raider, Yamaha intends to head the Star motorcycle line to as many directions possible and it uses all the resources to complete this objective.

The fact is that Yamaha follows the "chopper" tendency and creates what I call a manufacturer's web of products. This way, once a customer enters the showroom, a bike will surely catch its attention based on the

type of ride that he wishes. The Raider offers that special something in a world of heavy-duty cruisers.

That is why the Star line of cruisers became a brand of its own starting with 2006 and the Raider intends to direct that success to even higher scales.

It does it, of course, with good looks and exceptional fit and finish but what really sets it apart from any form of competition is its 113-cubic-inch air-cooled V-twin motor. This last unit is being transferred from the

already initiated Roadliner, a bike which I tested and which is truly reliable and awesome performing thanks to the engine that can now be found on the 2008 Yamaha Raider.

Bottom line, we are witnessing history being written my friends and nobody would recommend you to miss this important episode that will probably determine other Japanese manufacturers to head towards the

"chopper" look.

If you are looking for a cruising machine that looks like it's moving even though it is not, there can be no better choice than the Raider.

Featuring sleek design and ultra refined body pieces, this cruiser looks like a real bullet. Why? Starting with the front, you will notice the beautifully-shaped round headlight accompanied by chromed elements (chrome

triple clamps, fork sliders, air box cover, headlight housing, handlebar risers, etc) strategically positioned to make the bike stand out even more and make it glow superbly out on the boulevard.

The handlebars remind us of those custom-made machines which involve a lot of stretching, but this is not the case with the Yamaha (at least not that much). On the handlebars, the mirrors are very stylish and if you

take a closer look, they actually remind you of a star.

Further, the fuel tank is nicely sculpted and features a speedometer and all chromed package surrounding it. The comfy seat takes the lines even further and introduces us to the rear fender which, like the first, looks

like a small wave but this one ends with and LED taillight.

Another aspect well worth to be taken in consideration when it comes to cruisers is the engine. This one has chrome spread all over it and shines beautifully underneath that gas tank.

Customizing is the key when it comes to the Raider and a pair of custom 5-spoke wheels carry a 120/70-21-inch bias tire up front, and a wide, 210/40-18 radial out back – the tallest and widest ever fitted on a Star


Test Drive
I was now ready to refuel with attitude and than hop on and give it a go. But the points that I needed to check, apart from involving loads of fun headed me towards the city in order to see how the bike behaves in this

sort of environment and, more important, how the environment reacts to it.

I noticed that the engine idles smoothly thanks to its twin counterbalancers but, more important, it is capable of generating the amounts of power and torque needed for that speedo needle to rise towards high

numbers. I enjoyed twisting its throttle and I gradually changed gears so as the power would be valued properly and satisfying.

This one really turned some heads as it slowly rode down the boulevard and the public made all the right noises in retaliation to it.

This engine is the same as the one found on the Roadliner, so the motorcycling public is well aware of the levels of performance generated through the two massive cylinders. A 113-cubic-inch (1854cc) air-cooled

V-twin OHV motor featuring 4 valves for each cylinder will never be unappreciated. In fact, given to its construction features, it can be mounted on different models and perform awesome on each one of them. The Raider

is a real proof of what I just said.

Another well performing unit which can be found both on the Roadliner and Raider models is the five-speed transmission. First gear is a little noisy but riders will begin to appreciate the kind of feedback provided by this

reliable gearbox. Yamaha decided not to separate this pair because they proved they go well together and no customer will resist this combination. First and second gear are fairly short but once you've changed third,

you can start laying back and enjoy the road ahead because the torque generated by the monster beneath you will either determine you to gas up and change another one or cruise nicely. 4th and 5th are all you need

for those never ending highways and you will also be supplied with great power for passing up traffic or another pal riding along with you.

The riding position characterizes a chopper so this pretty much says it all. In order to compensate for the leaned forward position given by the rider's hands and feet which need to reach the handlebars and footpegs,

the manufacturer fitted the Raider with a comfortable seat which makes riding this bike more of a pleasure.

While you're in position and hitting those cylinders with burns, you will surely begin to appreciate the sound made by the two-into-one-into-two exhaust system featuring Exhaust Ultimate Power valve generating the

best of torque between 2500-3500 rpm so this is where the sound will really become music to your years. It was a real symphony for me and I enjoyed making it sing.

The bike's center of gravity is very low and this allows for great handling and easy maneuvering. You will really start to appreciate it in the city but those twisted mountain roads will result in the best sensation ever.

The suspensions are tuned to set it properly on the road even in the tightest corners and when you're riding on bumpy roads, these will manage to stay comfy and worthy of the name Yamaha.

This piece of machinery stops with the help of a front brake master cylinder with integrated lever operating a pair of 298mm front discs squeezed by strong monoblock calipers for excellent power and feel. On the back,

a 310mm rear disc will do the job and the bike will come to a complete stop.
Two color options are available for the 2008 Yamaha Raider S. The first, Tommy Blue generates a suggested retail price of $13,780 and the second, Candy Red w/Flames, $13,980.

No matter the color, your new bike will shine proudly and help you dig deeper into the world of motorcycling.
The trick was to combine this awesome "chopper inspired" styling with a chassis that would offer superior handling. The engineers at Yamaha were not willing to compromise so they made sure that their custom would

great handling and excellent ride quality. Discover the eye catching details and make sure that you get a ride on it because I guarantee you will be caught up and no other cruiser out there will have the same effect on



Engine and Transmission
Displacement: 113-cubic-inch (1854cc)
Type: Air-cooled V-Twin OHV, 4 valves per cylinder
Bore x Stroke: 100.0 x 118.0mm
Compression Ratio: 9.48:1
Carburetion: Twin-Bore electronic fuel injection; throttle position sensor
Ignition: TCI
Transmission: 5-speed, multiplate wet clutch
Final Drive: Belt

Chassis and Dimensions
Frame: Double cradle
Suspension/Front: Telescopic fork; 5.1-in travel
Suspension/Rear: Swingarm; 3.5-in travel
Brakes/Front: Dual hydraulic disc, 298mm
Brakes Front: Hydraulic disc, 310mm
Tires/Front: 120/70-21
Tires/Rear: 210/40-18
Wheels: 5-spoke cast
Length: 101.2 in
Width: 36.4 in
Height: 45.8 in
Seat Height: 27.3 in
Wheelbase: 70.9 in
Ground Clearance: N/A
Dry Weight: 692 lb
Fuel Capacity: 4.1 gal

Warranty: 1 Year (Limited Factory Warranty)
Colors: Tommy Blue; Candy Red w/Flames